Life Conversations with a Twist
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Life Conversations with a Twist
Psychic Medium Updates with Jenessa Wyatt
S4 Ep9 Episode Shownotes:
“Using spirituality to control people with money is disgusting.”—Jenessa Wyatt
The captivating world of psychic mediumship takes center stage in this thought-provoking episode, as we delve into the profound connections between the spirit realm and the earthbound.
Jenessa Wyatt is a highly sought-after psychic medium based in Northern California, with over 3,000 clients and a thriving business spanning stage shows, group readings, and private sessions. Known for her warm, engaging personality and unwavering commitment to her craft, Jenessa has earned a loyal following of clients whose lives have been profoundly impacted by her work.
In this episode, Heather and Jenessa and delve into the details of Jenessa's work, exploring the dynamics of her group readings, the life-changing moments she has facilitated, and her personal journey of growth and resilience. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, this conversation is sure to leave you inspired and eager to explore the transformative power of psychic mediumship. Join us as we uncover the extraordinary stories that unfold when the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is lifted.
Connect with Heather:
Episode Highlights:
02:59 Heather’s Experience with Jenessa’s Readings
06:06 Jenessa’s Approach
15:11 Personal Stories
26:59 Not Everything is Meant to Be
36:51 What Dreaming of a Gum Means
41:42 Challenges and Personal Growth
45:40 What’s Next?
Connect with Jenessa:
Jenessa Wyatt is a renowned psychic medium based in Northern California. With over 3,000 clients, Jenessa has been operating her successful business for the past 5-6 years, after overcoming personal challenges earlier in her life.
As a gifted psychic medium, Jenessa facilitates connections between the spirit world and her earthbound clients. She offers a variety of services, including stage shows, group readings, and private sessions both in-person and via Zoom. Jenessa is known for her ability to provide detailed, validating information to her clients, helping them find closure, guidance, and a deeper understanding of their lives and relationships.
In addition to her thriving practice, Jenessa has also worked with law enforcement on various cases. She is committed to using her abilities to make a positive impact and help people in meaningful ways. Jenessa's warm, engaging personality and commitment to her craft have earned her a loyal following of clients whose lives have been transformed by her work.
Heather Nelson: Hello everyone. Welcome to this week's Life Conversations With the Twist. I'm literally dying laughing because, Jenessa, we're in with Jenessa today. Literally, if anyone's watching on YouTube, you're welcome. I am so excited to have you back again.
Jenessa is like my second guest who's actually been on before and wanted to come back on, and we have so much to talk about because I've actually experienced the amazing work that you do so I want to dive into all of it. Tell our listeners, if they haven't listened to your past podcast, what a little bit about what you do and the lives that you change.
Jenessa Wyatt: Thank you for having me on again. I really appreciate it. It's an honor. Actually, I love hanging out with you. I think that you have the most incredible podcast with some of the most amazing stories about how people's lives are changed. And I love it. I'm a psychic medium in Northern California, and I have a little over 3000 clients. I do stage shows and group readings at home, via Zoom, in person, and at homes. I've been doing this as a business for about five, six years. Part of that was 22 years drunk in bars and being highly inappropriate. And now, it's a full functioning business. I do not drink anymore and do readings. I do drink, but not with readings, and it goes into a space of, I have your guys' best interest. I'm always here to facilitate the connection between spirit and earthbound people, and give you guys guidance and very personal information given to me from them. And that's what I do every day, almost everyday.
Heather Nelson: I love it. For those that want to go back and listen, if we go back to your episode, you talk about how you found out you have this. You don't call it a talent.
Jenessa Wyatt: People call it a gift. I call it something that I've had since I was a child. And so for me, it's just simple to me as anyone else who has something they're excellent at, whether it's writing, or art, or super highly intelligent. It's just something that I've had since I was a child, and I roll with it.
Heather Nelson: I love it. And so if you want to listen to that, we're not going to talk about how she got here because you can go back and listen to that, because that's really what that episode was all about, and some of the work you've done with police and all that stuff. But fast forward to where we are now, actually when I first met you, I hadn't met you in person, I haven't been to a reading. But after the podcast, I went to a group reading, and I want to talk about that. What you're doing now, and some of the lives that you've changed. I can't go into names, obviously. But some of the people in my life that you've really impacted by doing your group readings, and I also want to talk about my experience after the podcast. I don't even know if I've ever even told you this story, but I don't think so. So well, let's just talk about that real quick because it was really cool.
So on my last podcast episode, you guys got to see the full episode, but we stopped recording. I kept recording, but we didn't post it anywhere. But I have the recording, and your reading on me, which was not expected at all. I was in my old house and you were like, do you have spirits in your house? And I was like, wait, no. Oh, that's great. All these things have happened. My kids have experienced it, my husband experienced it all the time, and you literally called it out. I had to have my husband come back and watch it because we were trying to figure out who these spirits are who are haunting us. And it had to do with my husband. But it was just so interesting because it was not what I was expecting. But I literally tell everyone about you, and I think what you do is so cool. Fast forward to meeting you in person. We did a group reading and talked about your group experiences. Because obviously, I was in the room and experiencing it, but there were certain things that you said or did. I talk about that all the time because I think it was so interesting. And I don't know how you can be in a room with so many different spirits wanting to talk to all these people in the room. Talk about what that experience is like if you know somebody hasn't been to one before.
Jenessa Wyatt: So with group readings, it's basically a version of what I do in the office, but at a much faster capacity. And people always ask me, how do you protect yourself from walking in a room and having all these different feelings? I do that beforehand. I don't walk into something and go out in the world where I'm just like, oh, I'm open and available to download information. Occasionally, I do. Especially if I've had a couple beers and I'm feeling something next to me. I'm like, what? What? But at the same time, I've done this for a long time so I know how to protect myself, for the most part. But in group readings, it's a lot of fun because you have anywhere between 8 to 15 people, and you're sitting there watching them, and you're getting information. It's like, coming to me. I was like an entity walking in. I'm like, not a dark entity, but like a shadowy figure. And I'm like, all right. All right, dude. Like, who are you? What role did you play with your personality? Like, who in this room do you belong to? And 9 times out of 10, I know exactly who to go to. That's why I start off with like, hey, your mom lives out of state. Great, awesome. You haven't checked in on her in a while because I'm getting a TV screen, and that TV screen usually means you're usually visiting by FaceTime, or you're visiting by Zoom or whatever, or just your phone. And then it goes into, she has a health condition, correct?
I got this list of things that are super important, and then it just died. Then that person who was talking to me continues and goes into your marriage. You can go into your lack of fidelity. You can go into it, your children have autism. You're going on a trip in two weeks, or two months, or two days. It goes into these different things that I just keep spilling out to the next person. And then when I'm done with them, I'm done with them. They got their moment, they got their information. I guess the biggest thing is not just holy crap. How would you know that right now? But it also goes into a space that, when I hear from them like two weeks later, they go home and they look for a photo that I told them to look for. They asked, husband or wife, hey, you know your grandmother? She was a racist. We established that because they always ask, they come through in the prayer. Come through in the personality traits they had when they were alive.
So having black children and a black partner, and being Jewish and gay, and all the things, if they come through saying certain words, I'm only asking that for a reason. It absolutely is valid to jump start to who this person was, and then they can go their fully ascended version and be able to give me a softer version and more help. But validity is my number one thing. So when someone leaves and goes to their spouse, or whatever the case is, and they go to me and they're like, oh, my God, you're right. His grandmother was a racist. You are also correct, she had dementia. We forgot that, that's why his mother is having health concerns about the brain of memory loss, so we need to track the mother's history. And you're absolutely right. We haven't talked to her in a while, and it's wild because we just called her and can tell something's wrong. That for me is like, whether it is an absolute moment of like, oh, you had a yellow chicken duck toy in the junk drawer next to the fridge that you need to go find. And they find it. That's crazy. How would you know that? Or it's things in a week or two, or a little bit longer that they come to flourish. And it's amazing because I don't know you guys. I don't know anybody. The only time I ever know anybody is if I've seen them before, or could have seen me multiple times. So the group read this a lot.
Heather Nelson: It was so cool. I think we had like 10 or 12 people in ours. I was literally fascinated by every single one. I only knew two people in the room. Everyone else, I didn't even know. I was so engaged. It was so much just to hear these stories. I was so excited to hear what came through for them. Some were life changing. I literally get chills every time I think about it. I think what a lot of people think about you talking to spirits is kind of like, creepy things happen, kind of weird, or they don't really believe in it. What I took away from it is these people who have passed away are looking over us, and helping us, guiding us, and they understand what's going on in our lives. They can see our future and see what we're struggling with, or what's going on. If your husband's cheating or whatever, they see it on a different level, and you bring that forward in such a way that it's life changing.
Jenessa Wyatt: I really appreciate that. And I think if anything happens in my life, obviously, I'll die at some point. But in the end of my life, looking back on this as a career in general. When I tell people to go to the doctors in one location, get a blood panel done, a fasting, and those people are coming to me, and there should be about two to three who will be posting in the next few months, if not sooner, that they had stage one, stage two cancer. They had no symptoms. And I don't even want to be a psychic medium for medicine. That's not my jam because I feel very obligated, and I feel like it's a huge weight on my shoulder. But it comes out of me like, I can't stop it. Feel like, oh, by the way, they're coming back to me saying, Jenessa, I have two children, and I'm 35 years old. I had no symptoms. And then yelled at me between two different readings about the same location, and to get a blood panel done yesterday, and I found out that I have stage two breast cancer, and I had no symptoms. They had nothing showing on my body that made me even have that. That's a weird lady, and no history of it. So I'm not saying it's an all knowing thing, but I'm very grateful that at the end of my time, whenever this comes. I can look back and tell myself, and my kids will know it too. My partner will know, my family will know that I help people at a high capacity, and that's all I do. I'm here for it. I'm here for it. We need a lot of kindness and guidance.
Heather Nelson: I had a different experience, obviously. When I met you, I was super intrigued by all of it. But being in the present of what you do, it was so empowerful. I just want to go, not even for my own reading, just to be in a room to see those aha moments. One of the girls in our group reading is a close friend of mine, and you had told her that she was struggling with her marriage, right? She knew that she was, but I don't think she saw how bad it was. But if you gave her that moment of like, huh, maybe I am not happy. And now, she's divorced, and she is so happy, and in such a good place with her life and her health. She has all these major goals, and just to see something like that happen is like, I literally have full chills over my body because we get some reassurance of like, what the freaking path we're supposed to be on?
Jenessa Wyatt: I don't want to be the person that's like, oh, great. My wife's gonna go see Jenessa. I tell her that she's great to do better. People have free will. This isn't just a woman who becomes, or the man who becomes divorced so that he's happier. She's happier. The case is, I'm seeing it in such an interesting capacity that children are watching their parents stay miserable, or controlled, or confined. And as a woman, especially, don't we want to show our boys and our girls that the best elevated version of their mom is the most powerful version of their mom? Yep, if you're unhappy because your kids are like three and five, that's normal. That's part of the routine of what you go through. I'm talking to kids that are like 13 and 15 and living their own lives, or doing their own things. Or with their friends and you're walking around being like, I don't feel seen, I don't feel heard, he doesn't care. And I'm just gonna keep muddling through. I'm just gonna keep trying. Well, guess what? Your kids are gonna see that. If you don't show them the best version of yourself, male or female, it doesn't matter what side you're talking about. If you're not showing them the best version of yourself, I don't know. I think we're grooming the kids in a way that is just complacent. You stick with the old routine. You got married, you stay married. Don't care how bad it gets. Don't be happy. Don't be content. Don't be peaceful.
I searched for my happiness as long as I needed to, and I found it, so enough of that. But my son, even at 25, I finished up the show at the Flamingo last year and we were in the hallway. My son, six foot three, is a big guy. I'm five foot two. And he said, hey, Mom, I want to tell you something. And I said, what? And he goes, I want you to know that tonight, you showed me that there's no ceiling on age, that you can be the happiest and best version of yourself. And I just sat there in the hallway teary because I was like, I failed you. But then I was like, well, let's reprogram this the way he talked, because he has my gift too. And so he was like, I just want you to know that he's seeing you. I realized that you can be the best version at any age, and I took it. Oh, man, I failed my kids. And I was like, no, I didn't. No, I didn't. I did the work to show him I could be complacent. I could be sitting in a place where I'm unhappy, miserable and unhealthy, and I'm not. And he gets to see it unfold, and now he has a new path to see as a parent, if he ever becomes a parent to choose happiness and choose being progressive.
Heather Nelson: I can't wait for my kids to have that clarity someday. But yeah, it's taken some time to get there.
Jenessa Wyatt: He was 24 at the time. So yeah, it took a little while. It took a long time.
Heather Nelson: Every year I'm like, I feel like my life gets better and better every year, and so I'm embracing getting older. Except for, I need some botox and stuff.
Jenessa Wyatt: Same.
Heather Nelson: The other thing too that I had at that moment was it kind of gave clarity to relationships that you might not have had clarity. And I want to use an example that you did with me. Actually, I was married before, and his best friend died in a really freak accident. And after that, he had lived in that house at that time when he passed away. So we definitely knew his spirit was around. We knew he was around. We always joke around about it. My kids had some when they were babies. He never liked me. And then when we did the group reading, you told me that he came through and like, he wanted to apologize for not liking me, and that now he sees a different light of the relationship that I was in. So that was one of the things that I think is cool for you. People get to have clarity, or they get to have closure on things that they didn't get to have, especially if it was a sudden passing. That's just one little, tiny one. But have you ever had any moments where it was like, whoa. I'm sure you have lots, but one that was super memorable that caught everyone on.
Jenessa Wyatt: I had a couple. And one of the ones I had more recently was, and it's a very touchy subject. I'm not gonna use names. Actually, I have two things that are wild. And one, I can't say the names either because I don't want to, but I got permission to tell the story. So one was a guy that had lost his wife to cancer. And not only lose his wife to cancer two years ago, but he just met somebody three months ago. So he's 46, she's 31, and he has a child. This woman is with him reading great energy. He's still like, you can tell that he's in love with her. And the wife showed me that she actually facilitated the connection to the two of them. And I said, you guys met not online. It was a very weird series of events that led you guys to each other. They're both laughing. They're like, yeah, it really was weird. It wasn't traditional at all. It was very bizarre how this even happened. I said, well, she sent you to her. I felt so weird about it. So we're going through the reading, and he's emotional, she's emotional, all the things. And you know how the woman died, her personality, what she did for work, all the things are coming out. And so at the end of it, I see the number three, and then the symbolization for intercourse. And I'm thinking to myself, if I say this and I'm wrong, I look like a crazy person if I say it. I'm a crazy person. I know what she's showing me, but I'm not sure how well he's a well to do, man. So is she some? They're wild and young, they're both very highly educated and put together. I'm gonna ask you once. I'm only gonna say it one time, and we're gonna move the hell on. And they're like, okay. I was like, do you guys employ her to do a threesome with you? Are you asking for your dead wife to come join you in sex? And they lost their minds. They're like, we joked about it like twice in the last few weeks. I'm sorry, what you are actually inviting is the spirit of a threesome. And she's like, yeah, I do. I really like her. And I'm like, okay, I would never have a thought this couple would have told me that. I said, can I please share your story? They were like, of course, you can. It's awesome. And it went into detail. Why would anyone think that you would actually invite in a spirit for a threesome? That's an actual conversation they had. They can't make that. You can't make that. I've seen a lot of wild stuff, obviously. But to have them just break down, like the reading concluded that they were so happy.
Then I had a woman come in, about a year or two ago, and I use my door in my office if I know that somebody is not allowed in my room. There's a reason for it. It's usually something of sexual assault, or physical assault, or invalid yada yada. So this woman from the office, and I'm like, your father has passed. She's young. And she's like, yeah. And I was like, well, it's weird because I think he's in the lobby, but he's not allowed in. So what happened? And then her grandmother was showing me a high capacity of assault, and she goes, I don't want him in the reading. And I said, you don't have to have him in the reading, sweetheart. He is not allowed. I actually physically made this door like a bridge in between the two places. But it will also prove validity to the fact that there, if you're on the other side of it, you're not allowed for a high reason. And lo and behold, I said, oh, my God, did your dad assault you? She's like, I lived in this torturous life where I was consistently his other woman even from age five on. And I broke down. I was like, I don't know how else to feel. Because obviously, he wants forgiveness, blah, blah, blah. He ain't getting it. She doesn't have to give it to him. And then she got really emotional, and she goes, what's crazy is no one knows this dark secret in our family that was pushed out until he killed himself, and I'm glad he killed himself. And I'm like, I don't blame you. I don't blame you at all. And I'm so sorry you went to that. And she goes, it's just weird because I was hoping he wouldn't come through, but I'm glad it came through in the way that it did. I feel safe that you may be safe here at this office, that he's not allowed just to come into my space. And it's a no, he's not.
They may be spirit, but they have respectful boundaries. And especially when you die and you find out who you hurt, who you hindered, who you helped, who you loved, who loved you, and all these things again. I know you better in death than I do in life. Like your ex's friend, right? So it goes in your husband's friend, it goes into a space of like, I know. Understanding better now because I had earthly problems, I had earthly communication. I had earthly ways of thinking in this world. And when you die, you learn so much. So for them to say stuff like that, it's personal validity to really important things, but it should remind people that you're not alone. This is not the end of the road. This is part of a journey that our soul and energy go through, and they're always here to try to help, facilitate, sign symbols and connection. It's a matter for us to listen. You know that lower gut instinct that we all have when it happened, I knew I should not have one out today. I knew that I was having a hard time finding an outfit. I knew my car wouldn't start. I knew it was a hard time when my gut was not having it today. I didn't want to leave the house. Yeah, you're right. They are giving you all the things to make you stop. Or why was that so easy? Why did I walk in the store today? I knew I didn't want to go to this place. I didn't need to go to this store, but I've met so and so, and then had lunch, and that was friends. It felt so slippery because you're being guided to do things that are better and beneficial for you.
Heather Nelson: Such a cool way to think about it. What I love about you is when you make it so fun. Even just going to the group readings, it's so entertaining because you just make it fun. I'm trying to think of not just fun, but carefree and safe.
Jenessa Wyatt: Yeah, it's definitely a safe space. Go on my website and to the bio, read my bio and you'll understand why you're so safe. I don't judge anybody. I don't care. Everyone has their path to walk down. I've walked my own path so far. I'm a comedian, medium, that's part of it. A lot of subjects are heavy. It already feels heavy to talk about it, already feels heavy to see it, already feels heavy to feel it. And it probably feels extremely embarrassing or like a lot of open vulnerability when I bring it out to people, and I'm telling people in their face in front of 50 other people their situation. But at the same time, let's make it kind of funny and silly. It's not that dark. I always say things like, if you've been assaulted by somebody, whether it's sexual or it's not physical, mental, remind yourself that you didn't do that. That's somebody else. If somebody else is hurting you, that's on them. That's their soul to walk down, not yours. All the things that have happened to me, I didn't do to me. I didn't need to control myself. People just saw me as a vulnerable, nice person who wanted to take advantage of me. That's all right. That's who they are. That's their morality, not mine.
Heather Nelson: I just think you make death not seem so scary and such a really awful place to be. I don't know you, it's like you connect the two worlds, and it's just really cool to watch. For those who don't know you, do a lot of these larger group readings at The Flamingo, it's really cool. I do want to come to one, but how do you channel that when you have so many people in one room? Or do you hand pick people who you're going to do readings? How does that work?
Jenessa Wyatt: It's almost no different than when I do events. People hire me. I'll go into a tent or to a room, and then they'll hire me for like three hours, or two hours, and they'll send somebody in every 5, 10 minutes. When that reading is over, I'll read as many people as I can in the time that I was hired to do. So The Flamingo is a lot. Because not only is the production company, THTR Production company, one of the most diverse people I've ever met in my entire life. They are phenomenal. In fact, I met them at Nix CO a year and a half ago when I had met an agency I signed with. I thought my career was gonna take off. I had a vision that I would go to this place and see the place. It took me the next step to head towards television, and I met two important, different people. I picked one that is no longer a thing, and then I realized that it was the production company THTR. I can't tell you that the shows they put there, it's a lot. We have walk out music, we have lights, we have a stage at my office. It is so incredible. I usually want to go throw up first, and then I stand behind the door, and then they do my intro, and I walk out. And when you walk out and you see 200 people, and three fourths of them are emotional, or they're crying, or they're excited, and they're like, I can't wait. Pick me. Pick me. It's a lot of pressure because I want to please everybody. But what I do is exactly what I do in a group reading. So I have to center myself. I go on stage, and I basically do like an opening monologue like, what's happening in the world right now? Blah, blah, blah, that sort of thing.
What I've done the last X amount of months that was last on the show or on the stage, and then I just kind of ask people who want to get read. I don't like bringing people up who don't want to get read. They could have come with a partner, or a spouse, or a friend that is religious, or they are scared to have anything happen. So first I'll ask who wants to get read, and then I'll walk around until I'm internally paying to bring somebody up. And I'll do two at a time. So I'll bring up two, read one, replace, read the next one, replace, and keep doing until the show is over. If I'm not going to pick up your grandfather or your father, whatever, but I don't pick something right away. I'll ask my people, what does this person need? They have two child losses. Okay, great. They're married. They hate their career. They're gonna change in April. Great. So I just kept going, going, going until I hit a few five or six minutes of that person's reading on stage, and went to the next person. And then just do it all over again until I'm done.
Heather Nelson: So crazy, I definitely want to come. You said you booked one in February?
Jenessa Wyatt: I should be doing a Valentine's Day event there, and I might be doing two shows. I'm also going to be doing a singles event held by myself. They're going to be in Santa Rosa. I'm going to be doing like 40 people, and we're going to get together, and I'm going to facilitate a VIP thing. I want an equal number of men and women because I have so many singles right now that come to my office and it's like, I have somebody for you. Oh, I have somebody for you. And it's like, okay. But then they get nervous so let's do a nice, easy place where you can just sit and chill. Where I could just do an opening speech and talk about everyone who I've invited and who's there, and let them mingle and meet up because I want to be able to create a nice, I don't know, a secondary thing off of what I do is based off my intuition and guidance of my spirit people to help them find the level of their lives.
Heather Nelson: I think that's so cool. That's so fun. Let's talk a little bit, you touched on it for a second, and I know that there's a lot of things you can't say. I guess a little bit after I had met you, you had this opportunity to really take your career to the next level, which we all do, right? Whatever we're doing, we're like, how do we do bigger? How do we go bigger? Can you talk a little bit about what your experience has been trying to navigate that? Where is your career now?
Jenessa Wyatt: Sure. I did end up siding with a talent management company about a year ago. It actually was January 11. I think I had signed a contract with someone who I had met in August. Not everything is meant to be what it is. I was excited that we rebranded. They were excited, but I'm a medium. They're a management company that deals with ban so it doesn't go to a place where it was fluid or there was a little kickback. Even though I read the owner, there seemed to be some sort of kickback even though he was spot on and very personal to extremely personal things in his personal life. It wasn't jiving. And so I rather do my own path again when it feels like I'm working too hard at something like the rest of us and it doesn't seem to keep working, I'm doing the wrong work. I was guided multiple times not to make this decision, but I thought it was a personal intuition. I can't do it, or I'll fail, or I won't make it. And so I thought it was me. And so we ended up splitting ways a few months ago, and it opened up the space for new contracts and new connections to people. So where I'm at now is doing the shows I'm booked out months in advance. I'm doing a lot of group readings, I'm doing a lot of podcasts, I'm doing a lot of things about nature. I'm gonna let my work speak for itself. Because I provide more film and do more interviews, showing readings in real time, doing more spiritual training for people who are also medium psychic clairvoyance, dream state analysis, I'm teaching people how to make themselves even better at spirituality and do what I do basically. And so I think that moving forward, even though I have a lot of clients and a lot of clients of echelon, it doesn't matter because I'm a good person, and I live in the space to make you guys happy.
So the idea of a TV show which is still on par with who I'm now connected with, now that I don't have the agency, it's a matter of just more film and just keep producing to show. This is what we're going to be doing. And the idea of being on TV isn't necessarily for celebrity status at all. It's because not everyone knows who I am. So if you've never heard of me, you would know who I was. And I had a lady come in yesterday. She goes, why are you so cheap? I said, excuse me, I am not cheap. And she goes, but other mediums charge 5, 6, $700. I go, well, then people couldn't afford me. Not everyone can afford that kind of money, and I want to make myself obtainable. I want people to be able to come see me if they can afford it, and that I'm not some crazy number of price range that you can't find a way to come get healed. And another thing I don't do is I don't use money as spirituality as a control factor. You can come see me once, and you are healed. You got all you needed, and never hear from you again. And I'm so happy for you. You have people who come to me multiple times. And at certain points, I will actually decline people coming to see me. I want your mental health to be most important. I'm not going to be the thing that connects to your dead person forever. They're gone, the're spirit, let them be happy. But at the same time, I don't go to therapy. Go to therapy and get right. Do right, and be right, and be happy. Using spirituality to control people with money, to me, is disgusting. I want to be in a place where I can be at my office, do what I do, and let the work show for itself. If you go to my reviews, you'll see why, and that's what I want to do until the next step happens and unfolds in the healthy way.
Heather Nelson: I love that. We do want the big and the fun shiny things. But sometimes, it takes you away from who you really are, what you're meant to do. Sometimes, you have to go through the shitty things to figure that out.
Jenessa Wyatt: The connections I'm having right now, personally, in those industries are growing, 2025 will do a lot of film. I'll be doing live readings. I'll be doing a lot of those things to show exactly in real time what you get to experience. And everyone else you know comes and sees me. I'm here for it. Let's just rock it and improve my point.
Heather Nelson: I love it. If anyone is listening and hasn't had an experience, you should definitely get on board with one of them. It's really cool, whether you do an intimate, which I haven't done, which has actually been on my radar to do. But the group things are really fun and entertaining. And I don't know, it's just cool. I need to go to the bigger house. The one question I know you like gave me situations of where things have come through. Is there one person that you've done readings that has truly impacted their lives in a positive way?
Jenessa Wyatt: I want to say, everybody.
Heather Nelson: Or is there one that you're like, damn, look at them like, they listened to what I said, they took in what I said.
Jenessa Wyatt: I've had a couple people come in because someone suggested they come see me. One was a woman who lived near Oakmont, and her husband had died. Obviously, not obviously, but she didn't come with me because she was bored. She came for a reason. She's like, you sit here in your office and you can talk with dead people, and that's great, whatever. I don't really believe in this, but my daughter's making me go. I'm upset because you talk to people whenever you fucking want, and I haven't heard or seen from my husband, or had even a dream in seven years. I'm in my 80's, and I don't know how to feel because it feels like I'm alone. He was my entire life, and now I feel the loneliest I've ever been in life. I've been with him since I was 20 years older, and it's pissing me off. You walk around doing your thing, and I'm over here just by myself alone in my house, just miserable and sad. So I gave her a list of things to do to help facilitate, dream connection. So like lighting a white candle, talking to spirit out loud, asking him to come through and give you at least a moment that either you visually see him and you can't access him. Maybe even a nightmare, or you 'll come in a dream and then calm your soul a little bit, bringing down that anxiety. And I told her how to do it, including protecting herself from those who did not have her best interest. People knew spirituality. Please remember to always light white candles, talk to people out loud, and ask them to protect you.
My partner lives in a house where there's a dark entity in it. And so when I go to visit with her, we have to sage multiple times because it's like a cartel house, and there's a guy in the house that does not like us at all. Things fly off the walls. Dogs won't quit barking. One room in particular has had a flood in it and many arguments in it. I have to stage where I do ratings in it because I can't. And specific words have been said out loud that are pretty bad. Anyway, I told her what to do, and I got a call at 4:00 am. That same morning, that next morning, and I was asleep, obviously, but I woke up to a voicemail, and she's just like sobbing. She's like, Jenessa, what I experienced this morning has literally changed my life. I could go about my life now. I miss him more than I ever have before, but I have closure now. He came to me in a dream and told me how much he loved me. And she goes, it's been seven years, not a single sign, nothing. And then when she comes, she sees me now. Last time she came to see me, I was like, oh, a new appliance in the kitchen. And she's like, are you kidding me? And I'm like, what? She goes, I just arrived. They haven't even stalled it yet. And I was like, oh, that's amazing. So now, he's just watching over her. She is now that calm, and she understands that he's okay, and that he loves her. He didn't abandon her. She's not alone. She just wasn't ready until she was ready, I suppose. And then one of the instructions I gave her to help her,control that and bring it into her worked right away. It was one of the best emails or voices I've ever received. And so for her, she moved on in her life now. She's got hobbies and has friends. She's happy and she's eating healthy. It's great.
Heather Nelson: If people have dreams or things that keep popping up in their dreams, are you able to help get clarity for them around that?
Jenessa Wyatt: Yeah. They usually come to me because they are dream people. Aquarius is a really good dream, people. They tend to be facilitators. They do what I do, but in a dream state. So for me, when people come and be like, oh, I keep having these dreams. I'm like, well, then go. You don't have to book a reading. Just go to the dream dictionary, look up those points. If you have a dream about a blue boat in a kitchen, the word blue means something, the word boat means something. And in fact, a boat out of water means something, and so does the kitchen. So someone's giving you a paragraph, whether it's a warning, a guidance, a story for somebody else. There's gonna be a life change and infect your health or something. I don't know, just go look it up or record your sleep. There's dream apps or sleep apps now that record your sleeping. And when you get up in the morning, you can actually hit spoken words. And if anyone spoke in your room, yourself, disembodied sounds, your partner, if anyone spoke words, you can go right to a word spoken and hear what you're saying to something. A lot of times, it'll connect you. You'll hear like metal or electrical, and then you'll respond. So something enters your sleep space, and then you're responding to it out loud, like sleep talking. You'll hear multiple things at once happening. You hear things like electrical, metal, your response, your partner's response, a door slam, footsteps, disembodied sounds that don't have words with our words. It's fascinating. So with dream stuff, my guidance on that basically is like, do the work if you're getting that information. I can sit with them and go over it, but you don't have to go book a reading for that. You can do it yourself. We can go through what I'm being shown should match with. I'd rather have the spirit show me what this person's here for, because when they look up their dream, it should match what that relates to.
Heather Nelson: Yeah, I have a dream. I have it all the time where I have gum in my mouth and I'm like trying to get the gum out. I'm pulling it out of my mouth, and it won't come all the way out. Happens to me all the time.
Jenessa Wyatt: It sounds like an anxiety thing, to be honest. It does. It sounds like you can't quite either be seen and heard, or you just can't quite articulate in the world exactly what you're requiring. That sort of thing. I'm not guaranteeing that. I'm just saying. And for me, it feels like it's going to be something more about you and your ability to be strong on what you're saying, because you can't quite get the words right. But I could be wrong. It'd be something completely different. I have one dream on repeat. In fact, I had two on repeat throughout my 20's, and 30's, and 40's where it's one of two houses I lived in. And when I have those dreams, I know for a fact that something's going on. I know that if I'm in that house, I know that I'm dreaming, and I need to pay attention to my surroundings. So the last time I had the dream, it was my grandparents house I lived in for a while. It was dark. The door was open, there was a porch. I can tell you verbatim, because I don't remember my dreams.
So this is what I'm saying. I'm in the house. It's all dark. There's a couch, the front porch lights on the screen. Door shut. I see a string of lights. Twinkle lights, not Christmas lights. It was like a fairy tale. They weren't real, like a string of silver, but they lit up little lights. And then the front doors opened, and my partner was on either side of it. And then her friend was behind her and he said, I'm going to go ahead, go in and take care of this. We need to protect Jenessa. She can't do this anymore by herself. It's too much. Don't worry, I'm going to go take care of it now. But I was in that house, and I know when I'm in that house that whatever is being shown to me are civilizations for things that I need to pay attention to. And I went and researched it. And basically, I needed a break. It came down to needing a break. I needed a break from the heaviness of that week's readings. I need to pull my calendar back a little bit and take some ME time because the readings are on point, but I'm getting to the point where I'm just going to bed, and then getting up, and going to bed, and getting up, and going to work, going to bed. And so it was like this whole thing about, you need to talk to your friends and family about helping you be able to feel comfortable, turn the light on, feel warm, be protected and not be in this dark space where you feel alone, and you're just clinging on to something to get through it. So it's very interesting.
Heather Nelson: It can be a lot. Even just being in a group reading, hearing all these stories and all these heavy things that kind of come through. How do you digest all of that at the end of the day, or after a group reading, and make sure that you take care of yourself? What kind of things do you do to do that?
Jenessa Wyatt: I do it before work. Even before I get there, I will always be on the car ride putting on certain music. I've already made white candles at my house prior to the house I go to, I always require a white candle. I'm doing it, and I think I've done this so long that I'm in a space where I don't try to absorb everyone's drama. Because everybody has drama and trauma, and everybody has somebody who died suddenly. Everybody has something that is tragic. And I know this, so I try to do my best. My job is like, I'm going into surgery, and my job is to heal and then walk away. And hopefully, nothing bad happens in the process. Is too much. Sometimes I'll get into a space, especially if I feel like someone's gonna be passing, which is a newer thing. My mom died a year and a half ago, and so I have new things I do when she crosses over. I feel like that person needs to go speak to their grandparents, their parents, their child, their spouse, whatever the case is, and I get emotionally attached. This is me telling you that you have this much time before, either they cannot speak any longer, or can't respond to you any longer, or they're no longer alive. I don't know which one it is. But for you, this is for closure and hearing people knowing that someone's not doing well, giving them the ability to go have closure before it can't. But two there's certain things. Child loss is a lot.
I had a client whose son doused himself in gasoline, and his suicide was a direct connection to her for the reason. And when the children, the two children, came through, it was two mothers who had met at a suicide moms group. And I was like, I don't want to see in my head what it looked like, but why you guys, and all of a sudden it was like, these two people, they know that the reason we killed ourselves, it's not right, and it's maybe not 100%. And even the women were like, yeah, I said this, and he went and did that. I said this, and she went into that. And I'm like, oh, crap. The reason why this kid lost it was something that happened between the two of you guys. Personally, everyone makes their own choices. But stuff like that, it weighs heavy on me, but I also remember that that's their path to walk down. It's not mine. I do enough protection before I go into something to know that whatever I feel, hear and see is valid and emotional. And is life changing. They book the reading. They sat their butt there. I am here doing what I do, and we are in agreement of that. So they asked for it, and they're going to get it with love, of course.
Heather Nelson: Oh, so good. Is there anything that you want to talk about, or anything that is on the horizons that you want to share with us?
Jenessa Wyatt: Particularly anything like that's extraordinary, going to be a lot of shifting in my career. As far as going towards more Zoom, there's nothing different between a Zoom reading and office reading. There really isn't. But because I'm asked to travel for work, I'm asked to go to different states to do group readings, I need the ability to say yes. I can say no because I'm too booked for my office. If I can say yes because I'm traveling, I can still do my readings, and that gives more reach to people to get healed. And so there's that coming, the show The Flamingo, the singles event. I might possibly be working with a client of mine because of her many readings with me, her life has changed dramatically in a positive way that with her being on television. I have a possibility also of a couple influencers that I'll be reading here in the next month or so. One of them is her partner, a celebrity who's passed, and the other one is a really amazing influencer. And so I might be reading them in the next month or so. Everyone's very busy with the holidays, so I do my readings in the office. Do group readings. They've hired me for the holidays, and then travel for my own self to go enjoy the holidays as well. So I'm gonna say probably around February, March next year. There should be a bunch of new things in the fires to talk about and share. I have actual, like footage, actual sign contracts, if you will. But yeah, it's all gonna be good. It's a matter of watching it unfold. And I hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm hoping to up, do my not even word up, do my YouTube channel, and do more stories with psychic. Do some live stuff in my office with some cameras, and just start reading people and doing spiritual training classes, and Q and A's, and just being silly and being a woman having a good time doing it.
Heather Nelson: I love it. You are loads of fun to be around, for sure. You definitely bring energy to a room, so it's been really cool to watch your journey. And like I said, if anyone wants to go experience it, I literally tell people all the time, or if they know they're struggling with something, or they know someone that's passed something, you have to go see Jenessa. She'll help give you a little bit of clarity. It's really cool. Thank you again for being here.
Jenessa Wyatt: You're welcome. Thank you for having me.
Heather Nelson: Next time you are on, hopefully, you're doing something even more fabulous and amazing. And yeah, thank you.
Jenessa Wyatt: Maybe we'll have to do some sort of fun like, I don't know, a drawing, that sounds so archaic, but some sort of giveaway where we could bring somebody else, third party, and we can do a reading live.
Heather Nelson: Oh, that would be really fun. I thought about asking you to do a reading and just let it out there because my story in my life is pretty already out there in the world. It would be kind of cool to do so people can actually experience what it's like. Because I'm sure that some people probably have some hesitation, and some don't. But it's really cool to be a part of it.
Jenessa Wyatt: Thank you for having me. I appreciate it.
Heather Nelson: We'll figure something out, something absolutely awesome. Thank you, Jenessa. Have a great day. .